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Ex-insomniac's Top 5 Tips For Staying Asleep Throughout The Night

Hayley Dawes
20 January 2022

Getting to sleep is half the hurdle, the other half staying asleep throughout the night. Waking up once or twice throughout the night is totally normal and can be a result of many things, commonly cited research points to lifestyle changes, increased consumption of alcohol, caffeine and a lack of exercise, all of which act as stimulants on our brains making it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. However, it’s when you’re consistently struggling to stay asleep, not only is it incredibly frustrating it can seriously impact both your mental and physical health. A study carried out by the global sleep experts at Sleep School found that more than half of the participants were unsatisfied with their sleep, with a further 53 per cent at a loss over what to do to improve it. 

On average an adult needs around 7-9 hours of sleep per night to maintain their health and well-being. Waking up several times during the night eats away at that total and makes you feel edgy, unable too cope and not on your A game the following day. Research studies have shown over and over the importance of sleep, and made a pressing case to invest in your sleep hygiene for a better night’ sleep. There are several ways to promote a good night sleep and also to help you stay asleep. At Dreem Distillery, we've devised the ultimate tips to help you get the best out of your sleep routine for the greatest night's sleep ever.

1. Exercise during the day

Exercising, the gift that keeps on giving, research has found that exercising during the day can help promote a good night’s sleep. A survey carried out by the National Sleep Foundations, surveyed adults between the ages of 55 and 84, found that individuals, who reported engaging in less exercise were more likely to sleep less than six hours per night, experience fair or poor sleep quality, struggle with falling and staying asleep, and receiving a diagnosis for a sleep disorder such as insomnia, and sleep apnea. Not only does exercise promote better sleep, a good night's sleep will improve your exercise performance, and thus creating a cycle of good sleep and exercise.  I always exercise first thing in the morning - this could be a walk, pilates, resistance training or gym work.  I count is a ME TIME and feel so much better for simply moving.

2. Taking a warm bath

Warming your body with a hot bath, an hour or two before bed as part of your sleep routine, can aid a better night’s sleep. The warming of the body and then the drop of temperature as you get out of the bath, triggers your sleep cycle. This process is important for falling and staying asleep, as it is during this time that the sleep hormone, melatonin, circulates in higher concentration. A warm bath can also be a relaxing way to transition into your sleep routine. Especially with the addition of a soothing and sleep inducing bath oil, like the Dreem Distillery, Into The Deep. Formulated with deeply relaxing organic essential oils, potent broad-spectrum CBD and soothing arnica, for a good night sleep.(link to bath blog post)

3. Morning sunlight

I make this an absolute priority.  

Looking in the direction of the morning sun, even with cloud cover, is more effective for setting your sleep-wake rhythm than not facing it and a million times more effective than artificial lights. You don't have to see the's the sunLIGHT (which permeates cloud cover), that matters.  Spending 20-30 minutes in the fresh air, rain or shine makes such a difference to my sleep.  This made a huge difference to my sleep - a free tool Dr Andrew Huberman, a leading neuroscientist swears by.

4. Sleep supplement

Even the most relaxed individuals can benefit from the aid of supplements for sleep sometimes. Opt for supplements, which help relax the body and aid overall health.  Our award-winning Dreem Distillery Night Drops is CBD oil created with high quality broad-spectrum CBD enhanced with the Dreem Distillery Super Terpene Blend to increase it’s sleep inducing properties, as well as it’s benefits for reducing anxiety. The formula works to bring about a soothed, relaxed and sleepy state within 30 minutes after consumption and delivers hours of uninterrupted sleep so you won't have to hit snooze on loop come morning. We have recently scooped The Best in Sleep award from Tatler 2023 and Indi Best.

5. Keep It Cool

The optimal room temperature can be crucial to getting to sleep as well as helping you to stay as asleep. Figuring out the perfect temperature for sleep can be a little tricky, there's core temperature, skin temperature, and room temperature to consider. Sleep scientists recommend keeping your bedroom cool, a lower temperature helps the body’s core temperature drop, signalling to the brain that it’s bedtime.  I too air my bedroom every day to help reduce the temperature and prepare for a good night's sleep.


We pride ourselves in offering the best sleep solutions at Dreem Distillery and are here to help. Please feel free to reach out with any questions at